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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Oil economy and multipolarism

Oil economy and multipolarism

Oil , which is regarded off the charts and market in a couple of decade. But it’s role is still regulating the power and position of super-power and future ones. In the past, it had caused Pearl harbour attack and finally led to entry of America in World war 2 and bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki with most deadly weapon ever be used in the history of wars “atom bombs” and killing of millions of lives as well as affecting their descendents. During world war 2 japan had the shortage of oil for the operation of its frigates and fighter jets. In order to fulfil that requirement , it started annexing the south east asian nations and small island colonies of European nations. Presence of American navy in that region always imposed danger in the minds of japan war-analysts. And to establish their monopoly in the Hawaii region , they attacked pearl harbour that led to the entry of America from allied sides. The bombing of japan with atom bomb was also regarded as retort to pearl harbour and to establish its supremacy.

After world war 2, then came the cold war between the US and USSR. This gave rise to Taliban “the greatest ever challenge before the UN and world peace” ; gulf war “another war sought as a oil war” ; and many other wars like Vietnam and other small retaliations. US which was ensuring its future needs for oil by consuming most of gulf oil and preserving its own reserves always with aim of occupying most of oil fields in the gulf by hook or crook. USSR on the other hand has reasonably greater amount of reserves and moving on path of rapid economic progress following the line of communism and socialism. But due to internal crisis among the states of USSR and economic and personnel losses incurred in war against Taliban and Chechnya caused the splitting of USSR.

Now, in present times where US has the supremacy and China is giving tough competition to that supremacy(again a communist state) Oil is still the deciding factor. US who has now taken almost full control over the gulf oil through war on Iraq, having its allies in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. And efforts are on for Iran in the name of nuclear arms proliferation. On the other hand, china whose indigenous oil production is not in par with its oil demand has to import oil from gulf and central Asian states like Kazakhstan , Uzbekistan and Russia. While importing from gulf , china has to has friendly relations with US and also need to act as per his interest up to some extent. But now, with the signing of SCO “shanghai cooperation organization” and construction of ESPO “eastern Siberia to pacific ocean” pipeline for crude oil and gases export to china through ports of east Russia under the agreement of $100 billion with china. There is also a pipeline project for gases in line which may become operational by 2011-12. This will not only reduce Chinese dependency on US and gulf states but also provide economic boost to Russia who still has the largest oil reserve in its Siberian region. With the harvesting of that oil reserve and signing of pacts by Russia with its former allies of central asian nations regarding the export and import of crude oil and petroleum products Russia will soon rise in par with the china and US. But till now we have seen Unipolarism and bipolarism , now is the turn of multipolarism and what it results?

Sunday, January 3, 2010

AGING :Blessing or In-productivity

Aging : Blessing or In productivity

Don’t know much about this field , but from the little knowledge i have earned this opinion. Life expectancy by definition its average life span of an individual of a country and its common expectation that one would feel good to have his nation’s life expectancy greater than others.

As per UN a country is regarded as aging if more than seven percent population of a country is above the age of 60. And higher the people in the above 60 age category , lower is their productivity and more care is needed for them, here this doesn’t mean that they are useless. It’s their experience and guidance that we need the most for our prosperous future but with the policy of one children per couple as per in china, there will be two elderly person per child by 2050. And overall productivity of an individual will sharply decline by then. Now with this pace and increased life expectancy after another 20 to 30 years this number increased to an alarming rate as more people fall under non-productive category.

In order to prevent us from that inevitable situation , one solution is computerization and mechanisation to improve the productivity. But this is not the only solution as human always require some sort of work to engage his/her mind. Here too, there need to have some concrete solution to this.

“Nothing comes as blessing only, every thing has another side”. Increased life expectancy is also a part of this nature and not to be overlooked , so its upon us that how we deal with this .


Brotherhood & Regionalism
Bihar , Uttar-pradesh and some part of Jharkhand and west Bengal too known for their intensified crime rate. And most of us do agree with this supposition that this is mainly due to down-trodden uneducated people who in absence of availability of employment and basic necessities of food ,shelter and cloths are engaged in these regretful activities. But , this is also the fact that it’s these people who in spite of large in number are fled and tortured by others like maharashtrians and haryanavis etc. They are there to be paid in return of petty jobs for their family livelihood.
It’s not like something that they are in scarce or all of them are involved in criminal acts , rather its due to the insecure feeling among those state natives against them in regard of their brothers doings in their states. But why whole suffer due to the actions of few , why not they protest or help each other. this is mainly because of absence of concern for others which arises not by birth or in their culture, its because of their own activities. Suppose a condition where for a brick mill contractor require about a hundred workers on fixed wage (as per govt.) say 200 INR per day. In such a condition he first contact a middle-man who is involved or having contacts with local workers, and lure him with the condition that make them to work for 150 INR per day , of remaining 50 i will give 20 bucks for each to you. He get carried away with the temptation and work for the contractor.
This is just the beginning of mistrust between the workers themselves, when they come to know about this fraud , get annoyed and results to loss of unity amongst them. And when one of them get attacked under the umbrella of so called “bihari aur bhaiya bhagao”. Others who supposed to be their brothers don’t come to rescue with the feeling that ‘ this is the one who befool us’. Here they forget the basic theme of life “ unity is strength” and never stand against the torture of regional fundamentalists.
Sometimes, it appears that they are made to be tempted and befooled. But it’s not in their blood, it’s the basic happening of the society of bihar ,UP and its surrounding areas. It’s not like it is concentrated here, it’s common to all regions but not to the intensity as in here.