India- a land which is known in the world because of its variations and richness in cultures , languages and social practices. It’s the place of origin of not only Hinduism but Buddhism and Jainism too, it’s the place where not only Ashoka and Prithviraj Chauhan ruled but the mughals like Akbar also proved their excellence in Indian politics. Having the co-existence of all such variations and there thriving in the tolerable Indian society along with the development in other sectors that contribute to the progress of nation is the speciality of this nation.
After independence, states were formed on the basis of linguistic basis for the growth of local languages and also for having better communication and development in their native language. Later on, for the development purposes also states are formed and with the formation of states, there would be newfangled ideas for the development of that region with funds coming from local income and from the central government. With the time-period and entering of avaricious people in the politics, these days demand for having such separate states are quite often. Political parties also never hesitate to have these ideas like “formation of separate states” in their election agenda to have votes. But later on, with the advent of that party in government they usually refuse. It’s quite true that there are problems in some region like in Gorkhaland and Telangana. Like in telangana, there was the demand of formation of separate state from the time of its merger with Andhra Pradesh in 1956. And even in that time too, most of the people of telangana were against that merger as the benefits from the Godavari basin and rich cultural resource of telangana was going to nourish mainly the educated and potent people of Andhra. With the time, this demand continues to grow. This time in 2004 election, congress formed alliance with the TRS with the promise that after coming to power they would start the process for the formation of Telangana. But later on, congress didn’t show much interest in that and put that process in cold box. Under such situation, the leaders supporting that incite common people specially the students to have more strict actions and processions in support for their demand of Telangana. From one point of view, this looks quite satisfactory. But the extent up to which these processions and emanation of chafe especially on roads and against the machinery shown was not justifiable.
India as a developing country and one of the fastest rising economy of the world require every bit of its resources to come in par with the other developed nations of the world and to eradicate the widely spread poverty and unemployment. Under such requirement, economically significant towns where there is presence of offices of most of globally best companies must remains peaceful. Hyderabad is one such city of the country and contributes a major share of india’s GDP. Demonstrations in or against the formation of telangana made the Hyderabad standstill for about a month or two. Economic trading worth billions of dollar was postponed or cancelled. Not only this, This has also minified the image of Hyderabad in international community as a peaceful and economic friendly city. Foreign companies operating in India don’t have to do much with such issues but if they are going to be affected by such issues, then obviously they will avoid operating in such region which ultimately led to decrease the foreign investment in india. Same is the case for Mumbai too, rising of the issue of Marathi and “UP bhaiyas” is like a massacre for the economic capital of india Mumbai. Today they are out casing northern Indians saying they have occupied the places which are meant to be marathis, tomorrow with the advent of more foreign workers in Mumbai they may start the movement against them too taking the same issue with them too. But here under such condition, i just want to ask where that tolerance has gone for which India is famous.
Silicon Valley, USA having mainly foreign nationals has never experienced such situations not because there are no such issues there but because they have realized the fact that local problems are meant to be kept local and need to be dealt with patience and peacefully. In India, having such mental thinking will take time, as there is need of education in society. Education that led to the building of judging Wright or wrong, only by knowledge of reading and writing doesn’t led to literacy. Having one’s opinion and judgement capability meant to be educated. Besides that politics also need to be purified. We have to learn the way to solve our problems(if justifiable) without affecting the operations that laid to development of nation. Because “Sufferings are everywhere, it’s not our own that is the greatest”. So do take care of others, as we normally used to see in daily soap serials and movies how these bandhs and traffic blocks led to sufferings of others.