What's a typical Indian mindset is? Is it something which always resisted the change. Isn't it always being uncomfortable to the change in his/her usual lifestyle or way of living. Isn't it always being demoralizing those who are the carriers of transformation. Isn't it always wanted to live in its own shell.
If it's a no; then why, people resisted to opening up of Indian economy in 1991. Then why, bank employees resisted against the computerization. May be there would be a flip side to earlier mentioned resistance. But, why they resisted to the type of clothes wore by individuals. Why they resisted against the inter caste marriages. Why people still become uncomfortable when they see an adult boy and girl walking together in a tier II or III city. Why they regard it as a westernization of Indian culture. Don't they know that India is a mixture of cultures enriched by arabic, iranian as well as chinese and malay culture too. Why even after having a post graduate degree in law or philosophy or geography or science, people/parents can't differentiate a taboo of the society.
I believe that mentality is something not very own. It's rather a product developed from the ingredients of casteism, religious hatred practiced by Indians from the last five to six centuries. And this mentality was more polluted during british era; which somewhat somewhere infused the feeling of survival by suppressing others. Two hundred years of marginal to negative growth led to a mentality of preserving every item to ideology.
May be because of that, they still believe that Indian culture is polluted by being westernized. Even after being post-graduated they believe in casteism or regionalism to showoff their supremacy over others; which has become a survival need for them. And when these people either in age group of 20's or 30's or 40's or even 50's, see a boy and girl walking together, regard it as anti-indian culture. This survival need of having supremacy, which is there in Indians, rarely allow any wife to rise above the glory of his husband or provide 100% security to a lady walking alone on the road.
This sickness in Indian culture can't be overcome until unless everyone realized the pain to be on the other side of this suppression and supremacy story or in close contact with such pain.