Saturday, December 25, 2010
First counting on the list of dignitaries, US president Barack Obama visiting in the first week of December went back with $10 billion worth investments in American market for creating jobs (as this is the main news covered by most of the media); then arrived the German chancellor Angela Merckel; then came French president Nicholas Sarkozy and finally the year is going to end with the arrival of Russian president Dmitry Medvedev. Well, it seems quite obvious from the viewpoint of rising and prospering India; centre of attraction for most of FII and a promising market for foreign companies as well as for low-priced production activity. And every developed nation is trying to harness the benefits from India in overcoming the slowdown brought in by the Mortgage bubble of 2008. While the Europeans are trying to overcome from the debt crisis the EU is going through.
That was one aspect of looking all the things, coming to the other one which is shadowed by the above reasons is the trade for arms and ammunitions. With the growing economic and GDP of India and aspiring to be one of the key player in the international arena including the fight for a “permanent member” in the UN security council; being powerful is another pre-requisite which also adds to reaffirming the India’s position in south-east Asia alongside China. India who has signed defence deals worth $40 billion in the last two years and is undergoing to make the largest reform in its defence since independence and is supposed to make another $160 billion deals by 2015. And most of these visits to India are more or less concentrated towards getting those lucrative deals.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
How different are we from our politicians....
Whenever, we heard news related to non-functioning of parliamentary meetings because of noisy parliamentarians on a particular issue or absence of these public representatives in those meetings; we used to react very aggressively and condemning them for their actions (which are worst than just condemnation). But are these activities different from ours of bunking classes, trying every tooth and nail in canceling the classes and tutorials. The only difference in my opinion is the scale size, they are doing it at national level and we are doing it at college level. The aim is same they want extra time for their controversial activities and we on the other hand want to be enjoyed in that surplus time. Just like we feel bored in attending them, they might have the same feeling, after all we all are Indians.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Race against casteism
Situation is no different in our nation too, such insane offences are done in our society too in the name of casteism. At one time dalits are burnt alive at their home in Haryana and other time this heinous crime is done in the name of honour killing where young blooming couples are murdered in the name of honour. These are just some of the cases that came into light by media (atleast doing some fruitful works too). Beside these, there are numerous other unheard and unspoken cases which are buried in the throat of flourishing new generation; who sometimes are forbidden from living a cherishing life with their loved ones because of this casteism. What to say of the poor uneducated when the educated graduates of 70s and 80s are inseminating the seeds of hatred for opposite castes in their wards. Development in the name of community is a different idea and preaching hatred to opposite castes on the basis of their dids of the past is completely unethical.
Talking of reservation in higher education, due to the protests against reservation some are with the conception that it’s the upper caste who are opposing the reservation because they don’t want to see lower caste as par to them. And some others are with the conception that some lower class who are well developed and equipped are getting advantage of this. To counter the above, the concept of creamy layer was introduced. Still their hatred prevails. Leave this bloody debatable topic, talking of some general related to our life. When a young graduate either an engineer or a doctor or a journalist or even a normal high class teacher asks for love marriage form his/her parents, the same moment first question fired back is “What his/her caste”. Loads of argument given by them to support their will against the relationship, either on the name of past experience or on the name of society. That love, that feeling of freedom, that passion, that urge to control the world comes from the same education that they dream for their children. It’s true that our past is not justifiable, but we cann’t make our future from the happenings of past. We have to build a better future, a future for mankind not for caste, a future where our children don’t have to suffer what we have to.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Placement: In or Out
Taking example of the IIT Roorkee, as I am familiar with this one only; placement of this institute is somewhat slackened by its remote location into the foothills of Himalayas in the Shivalik region. But in comparison to other colleges and institutes (rest aside the iites) it’s performance is far more satisfactory. Almost all types of companies and firms used to come here for recruitment. Talking of big private firms like in investment banking the JP Morgans and Goldsachs recruiting the elite level of students at somewhat good annual pay package, in the same category then comes the department oriented or field oriented companies like Adobe , Google, Oracle for CSE , ECE; Raheja builders, Satluj vidyut limited for civil and the likeabouts for other disciplines. On the basis of pay package students used to enrol in each of them, bigger firms are like the building stage for the future while newer and inexperienced firms are just a microscopic stage in future building. If they find it advancing they stay else leave out , no matter whatever be the job profile.
For a special class of students , those preparing for the IAS , CAT and other competitive exams PSU (public sector undertakings) are the most lucrative destinations, as they are acquainted with the feeling that they pay as per their expectations and less work to be done there as they are public sector undertakings. They stay there for a year or two and then move on with their future plans, rarely a graduate or two is devoted to the PSUs he or she placed in, rest seldom about the improvement of such undertakings by becoming a part of the firm. Still these firms come to these elite institutes with a cut-off CGPA of 6.5 and recruit on mass scale. Isn’t there is the need to take such students form a two tier college who are more interested in working with them and have their dreams associated with the job done by them.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Some environmental concerns....
On the sidelines of reviving the economic condition the nearby populated regions of lake baikal after the economic reccession, Russia has not only overlooked the sustainable environmental growth of the region, but on the contrary reincarnate the polluting paper industries of the surrounding regions. It's very much true that for the livelihood of the people living nearby areas, there should be some sort of earning livelihood but looking for an easy and environmentally unsustainable solution should not have to be preferred in a such an environmentally critical region which was already very much harmed by the presence of pulp and paper industries pouring tons of chlorine including other harmful chemicals into lake baikal. Russia, which is gifted by nature in terms of environmentally rich resources should have to be taken care of these by realising them as the resources of the mankind and as of a localized region.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Turkey: Opening new horizon
“The only liberal muslim nation along with the vibrant democratic govt. ruling the state in the middle east asia.” Turkey is the connecting link between Asia and Europe, an important ally of USA as an active member of NATO sending his troops in almost every NATO missions along with the troops of UK USA and Germany. Earlier before the opening of Turkish economy to the global world by Turgut Ozal the then prime minister of turkey, turkey was just the resting and acting ground for NATO forces as well as American base for keeping an eye over the developments inside USSR. After the splitting of USSR, then also it remains the same for America as it was before as turkey still depends on the aids from USA.
But with the opening of the Turkish economy, a manufacturing boom arrived into the economy of turkey with people migrating towards cities and framing of a strong democratic govt. with less intervention of the army and ending of the radicalism. Making trade relations with Russia for fulfilling its energy needs and with Iran, turkey reduced its dependency on American aids. In a very short time interval of ten years turkey has transformed from a country having budget deficit of 16% of GDP and 72% of inflation to a country having growth rate of 11.4% in first quarter of 2010 next to china only. And all this is possible because of ERDOGAN’s social conservatism and fiscals cautious economic policies. There was a time when European union rejects Turkish plea of entering into EU, but now under present condition where EU is reeling under debt crisis and turkey one among the greatest six economies of Europe and middle east with large number of palmy entrepreneurs.
With the improved economy and arrival of ERDOGAN as Turkish prime minister, it has started shifting away from the American’s policy of making peace into middle east and establishing itself as one of the major power of middle east in establishing peace in middle east in its own style where there would be no fallout as in case of Americans policies whose consequences was to be bearded by the middle east countries and their citizens. In having this, turkey has improved its relation with Syria by opening the borders with Syria, now more Syrian can enter turkey and this not only improve bilateral ties but also give boom to the marketing of clothes and other lavish items in search of what most of the Syrians visit Turkish cities. Turkish oil companies making ties with the Iranian oil producing companies, rejecting all bans on iran to be forced by USA. In the north, Russia fulfils the energy needs of turkey and Russian cities are the markets for the Turkish shoes and leather bags. On one hand turkey coming close to the muslim middle east nations in solving their problems and on the other its transforming itself into a developed European cum Asian country. Isn’t this the exact face of a muslim country the world is dreaming into its dreams.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Why not Privatization of Indian Secondary Education?
Each year hundreds of thousand young graduates are recruited into this system and each one is more qualified than the next one( thanks to our unemployment figures that forces a master degree graduate to be a primary school teacher). But when it comes to service life they are more centred to their prosperity rather to the prosperity of education for which they are paid. Education Bureaucracy is very much responsible but why to blame always others even if we itself desires to work less and to be paid heavily. Almost 60% of teachers of secondary schools become useless after a decade becoz their knowledge reduces to almost 20% and thats too much obscure to present needs. And this is contributed by their behavior of teaching less and earning more & more. If a contractor reaches a teacher to make him earn in lieu of some clients to be arranged by the teacher, he will be more interested in getting details but when a student comes to him having some difficulty he shouted and mistreated him for his ignorance. Here i don't know whether he is shouting at student's ignorance or his own.
Recently, i come to one such great soul and when i explained all these to him, expecting some explaination from him. And what he explained to me is that Western culture is rotting our young generation, they don't know how to behave in public. Well, nothing i colud to his thinking but atleast i can learn from these.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Globalized way of Exploitation
Africa, the continent having vast source of resources having the capability of transforming into a developing world on its own.But the ground realities are on the contrary. Hunger, the reason behind most of the deaths in african nations. MNCs of gulf countries as well as of other developed nations, instead of helping in the cause doing the reverse by involving in the land deals in africa. Some of the most fertile lands of Ethiopia , Zambia and others are sold to these MNCs on a lease of 99 years by their respective govt. and that's too at a "blue" price.
And what these MNCs are doing is that they are growing high quality crops and vegetables using some of the most advanced techniques on african lands and export them to concupiscent world of Saudi Arabia and other gulf nations sitting on rich oil resources, playing dirty game with the world economy and preserving their land for the future. It's true that this sort of business provide jobs to the african people and money to their governments. But what to say in case of chinese MNCs who even bring home workers along with them. Overall, the benefits are only for a short term but in the long term this sort of business is going to prove fatal for the future of Africa as well as to the global human health.
Monday, April 19, 2010
If there is high pay in these programmes for the more qualified engineers, there may be the chances that fresh graduates can go to next level where they don’t have to worry about money and their family survival and the feeling of patriotism can ponder in their mind. Govt. is spending so much money to make these programmes a success, then why not it can allocate some to this cause, if this can contribute a lot not only to its success but also better designing and design life of structures and roads built in these schemes. Isn’t it a better investment, and there is no risk in taking chances if it can bring young qualified engineers to this level.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
IPL "Beyond all abilities"

“Indian premier league” started on the line of European football league, to monetize the avail madness over cricket among the Indian citizens. And the goal seems to be quite accomplished with the present uproar over the ongoing IPL series. It not only transformed Indian cricket management from a lean to racy management. Lalit Modi “the pioneer of this IPL series” has also changed the definition of cricket from earlier modified one day matches to commuted Twenty-twenty system, with the introduction of appealing cheerleaders, tucking more technology into the game (now earphones along with microphone are provided to players), preventing audiences from getting bored by the introduction of some interesting games in between the break. With the present style of living, dedicating a whole day for a one-day cricket match is beyond the potential taking care of all other daily jobs.
The IPL to some extent whether by its behaviour or by its success is more or less represent Indian economy. The way India is developing, the pace shown by the growth rate of India is comparable to the run rate of teams in the IPL matches. The amount of money involved in conducting IPL would never been in the dreams of sports experts. Thousand of crores of money is being earned from the advertisement rights and broadcasting rights. Involvement of celebrities and business tycoons in the event cause an artificial brouhaha over the IPL. One incident that was happened with MUMBAI INDIANS team recites the lucullan of the IPL. MI had a scheduled match on that day night and DWAYNE BRAVO was one of their key players, but the next day BRAVO had the match for his country and the venue for next day match was WEST INDIES. But Bravo has played the match for MI and the same evening a private jet was arranged for him on his way to West-indies. Never in the history of India after 1947, would India have been thought of dealing with this kind of lavish solutions.
Coming to player side, now INDIA (a developing economy) is offering a foreign cricket player (Flintoff and Pieterson) of European origin equivalent to the money earn by Gerrard or other football iconic players from their clubs of EPL and that’s too for playing six weeks only. From every angle they are earning and that’s accredited to the madness prevailing over cricket in the minds of Indians as well as to the population of India.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Khap Panchayat
But when we come to these type of news like “ Honour Killing” from these two states where just due to loving and marrying without consent of parents or in same GOTRA the couple is awarded capital punishment. There are a lot of controversies over this issue and its dimensions. First of all as a democratic country, every citizen has its rights and as per our constitution practising casteism is a penalising act. Both the conditions are violated in this case, and the matter of vexation is that after perpetrating this kind of heinous act those khep panchayat leaders don’t have the shame to address them as civilized. In the subject of female foeticide rate and treatment to women Haryana is having the worst records. Those elders of villagers who defend this system of khep panchayat by rationalising that it’s a part of our culture and in action from ancient time but at this time why they forget the point that its the same history that teaches us to worship women sometimes as a deity and sometimes as one among humans like mother. It’s the same Haryana where western culture has spread out his legs even in villages and most of the youths are in practise of apparelling themselves with the attributes of western civilisation, but when it comes to psychology and relations why they keep their mouths mum. It is true that khep panchayats don’t allow youths to intervene and just to listen. But the society is changing day by day and it’s not the same that our elders experienced in their time, then how can they take 100 % decision by themselves without taking even the advice.
Then come to Indian judiciary system, it is strictly forbidden that any local judiciary system can award life sentence or capital punishment to anyone. In-spite of this dis-respect to our judiciary, govt. is not taking effective measures in this direction. How can one legalize Khap System when it don’t treat boy and girl as equal while taking decisions (killing of girls with pesticides and decomposing their bodies even for slightest mistakes) and condolence for boys for the same crime, when it violates the Indian constitution by awarding death penalty without involvement of Indian judiciary, when it consists of only elder people of village who rule just by experience. They are good for humble cases and modest punishment, but when it comes to the cost of life, they are like termites in the greenery of Haryana.
Monday, April 12, 2010
In different perspective: Commonwealth game villa....

10th April 2010, Industrial trip to construction sites of COMMONWEALTH GAMES VILLA. For some, it's way behind schedule for others it's a symbol of Future & Prosperous India. Both are correct, can't predict the most defining one but form the view of mine 'a promising engineer' the view to the howling arch stadium with VRV cooling system, extensive use of steel work along with perforated GI sheets ; to the roaring high recherche apartments with exquisite rooms lined with italian tiles and most ravishing floor work and framework built by EMAAR MGF gives the feeling of live telecasting of Engineering marvels on DISCOVERY. But this time its INDIA.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Foreign Universities :In or Out of india
Foreign Universities : In or Out
Recently govt. of India has approved the entry of foreign universities in Indian education system and set up their campus inside india. Is it going to improve the level of education specially in the technical field of India or going to further step-up the brain drain as the youths having the education from those and accustomed to culture of them doesn’t want to stay back in india.
Up to some extent the second point explained earlier is right. As our Indian society is still under the hands of fundamentalists at the small town medium class level. Still caste prevails in the roots of northern Indian family. Still there are people who never accept an open relationship between a boy and a girl at teenager level. A lot has been changed at the metropolitan level. But taking into account of this factor and having the fear that direct exposure to western civilisation would enhance brain drain is completely futile. It’s we, who are either the saviours or the destroyers and exposure to other cultures just enrich us.
On the front of education, fee structure and paying to teachers, it’s very true that Indian professors are getting far less than that of foreign univs. And the fees of those are much beyond the reach of a normal middle class Indian. But these matters can be ploughed. There are a lot of Indians who are very much interested in working and teaching in india if they are supported by the govt. First thing is the infrastructure and second is the security. Now comes the question of salary and fee structure, fee structure can be designed such that students having the parent’s income below a particular level will be supported by the govt. This can be effectively done after the introduction of the UID. Coming to salary type, either it will be an average to Indian and foreign level of salary. As India is relatively cheaper in context to develop countries, low salary w.r.t them is ample for Indian university.
Above all, these establishments not only lessen the communication gap which is prevailing right now in the system of “collaboration” of Indian institutes with foreign ones. With the advent of the curriculum and education structure they used to follow, Indian education system will learn a lot and get modified keeping its root firm in Indian culture. At now where only a few who get the chance to be exposed to those environments at the undergraduate level by “student exchange programmes” but then a lot are exposed to that as today in case of IIT system.
Well, nothing is going to be decided on an individual perspective. Its the majority that matters in democracy.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Story of Passenger Train of Gangetic Plain

Far from the feeling of Shining and Rising India, and having the flavour of Overpopulation of india; passenger train of gangetic plain is the true representation of the social status and living standard of normal people (or below normal becoz they are from lower middle class group).
The moment you step inside you can feel that india lies in sub-tropical climate zone, if you are boarding from the starting station then you can have chances to have seat. By the time you sit you can easily sense the why Indian goods are performing poorly in market especially the govt. ones( with the condition if you escapes wooden seat). Why public sectors are under privatisation can be easily understood if you get the chance to travel beyond daytime. What to say to electricity, when there is absence of electrical appliances (another proof of rising Unemployment). But the so called normal people are bound to aboard them because this is the only affordable means they have got from govt.
Another important characteristic of Indian society is also revealed here inside the train. Why we are lagging behind? Not because we have less resources, but our mentality still revolve around self-suffice. If we get the chance to sit then we desire to sleep not caring for even the tiny tots who is in the lap of standing women. We want to have space for our luggage but never compromise on accommodating another one into our seat. Its not like all are like same, but there is need for many of such kind from few of such.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
RESERVATION : Why or Why not?
Reservation : WHY or WHY NOT?
Reservation especially in top engineering and management institutions and colleges has quite become a debatable topic at stage level and gossip item at lunch table. I don’t know much about pros and cons of this. But as a student of IIT and as a spectator of all the happenings inside the campus pertaining to reservation issue, i just want to share my miniscule thinking and trivial experience.
It feels quite obvious that those who are not going to be benefited by this used to oppose this and those who are will in favour of. It is believed that the one who is intelligent and extraordinary will finally come to his level; he is supposed to be in. This fact is too correct, but the time required to achieve that for a son of rickshaw puller or a labour is practically more than the one of A grade officer or a successful businessman. The environment (studious and unstrained) make available to son of well established family contributes a lot to his future success. And this thing is not there to the one from downtrodden.
I think reservation is meant for those young siblings which may not able to provide that sort of environment to them like that of upper level society people, but do facilitate them in achieving what they deserve (by reducing the criteria). But in the course of this, reservation on cast basis creates trouble in implementation and also gives rise to foiling thought in others. As this is gonna benefit those also who are full-bodied and can afford everything that an equivalent upper caste can afford; but they are benefitted only because of their caste and this thing give birth to annoyance in society. And so the counter-measures are taken by govt. to prevent this from happening by introducing the concept of CREAMY LAYER. Govt. do feels that most of the poor people belongs to SC ST group or to the OBC group and thus introduce reservation to them with the idea of “creamy layer”. But due to corruption the idea of creamy layer is not getting very effective. But this doesn’t mean that reservation to be abolished. Rather at the citizen level, cognizant should be shown.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
carbon credits Vs Green Technology
“India having about 18% of world population but generating only about 3% of the world carbon emissions” A fact often used these days and many articles and opinions have already been published depicting the unevenness in the generation of carbon emissions and with the idea why developed nations are not compromising with this fact and bind by the Global Carbon Emission Summit. All these propaganda is quite obvious in the realm of preserving nature and extending the human existence over the planet.
But in the meantime, we are forgetting our own cultural practices and highlighting the need of use of new technologies. We often argue in favour of granting more carbon credits as per population percentage in India. But very little emphasis is given on the development of new technologies and their employment in day to day life activities. For example: In the civil construction field, lot of building materials and subsequently energy can be saved by the use of eco-friendly materials like Bamboo and new technologies like prefabricated structures and advanced bonding techniques. All these are already developed and are executed too in some parts of India, but due to lack of awareness they are not getting much attention.
There need to be creating awareness about these technologies in different fields on more elaborate level. Instead of showing vehemence over the carbon credit issue, we should rather generate example before the world and lighten them towards eco-friendly development and eco-friendly survival.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Regional Chauvinism and Economic development

India- a land which is known in the world because of its variations and richness in cultures , languages and social practices. It’s the place of origin of not only Hinduism but Buddhism and Jainism too, it’s the place where not only Ashoka and Prithviraj Chauhan ruled but the mughals like Akbar also proved their excellence in Indian politics. Having the co-existence of all such variations and there thriving in the tolerable Indian society along with the development in other sectors that contribute to the progress of nation is the speciality of this nation.
After independence, states were formed on the basis of linguistic basis for the growth of local languages and also for having better communication and development in their native language. Later on, for the development purposes also states are formed and with the formation of states, there would be newfangled ideas for the development of that region with funds coming from local income and from the central government. With the time-period and entering of avaricious people in the politics, these days demand for having such separate states are quite often. Political parties also never hesitate to have these ideas like “formation of separate states” in their election agenda to have votes. But later on, with the advent of that party in government they usually refuse. It’s quite true that there are problems in some region like in Gorkhaland and Telangana. Like in telangana, there was the demand of formation of separate state from the time of its merger with Andhra Pradesh in 1956. And even in that time too, most of the people of telangana were against that merger as the benefits from the Godavari basin and rich cultural resource of telangana was going to nourish mainly the educated and potent people of Andhra. With the time, this demand continues to grow. This time in 2004 election, congress formed alliance with the TRS with the promise that after coming to power they would start the process for the formation of Telangana. But later on, congress didn’t show much interest in that and put that process in cold box. Under such situation, the leaders supporting that incite common people specially the students to have more strict actions and processions in support for their demand of Telangana. From one point of view, this looks quite satisfactory. But the extent up to which these processions and emanation of chafe especially on roads and against the machinery shown was not justifiable.
India as a developing country and one of the fastest rising economy of the world require every bit of its resources to come in par with the other developed nations of the world and to eradicate the widely spread poverty and unemployment. Under such requirement, economically significant towns where there is presence of offices of most of globally best companies must remains peaceful. Hyderabad is one such city of the country and contributes a major share of india’s GDP. Demonstrations in or against the formation of telangana made the Hyderabad standstill for about a month or two. Economic trading worth billions of dollar was postponed or cancelled. Not only this, This has also minified the image of Hyderabad in international community as a peaceful and economic friendly city. Foreign companies operating in India don’t have to do much with such issues but if they are going to be affected by such issues, then obviously they will avoid operating in such region which ultimately led to decrease the foreign investment in india. Same is the case for Mumbai too, rising of the issue of Marathi and “UP bhaiyas” is like a massacre for the economic capital of india Mumbai. Today they are out casing northern Indians saying they have occupied the places which are meant to be marathis, tomorrow with the advent of more foreign workers in Mumbai they may start the movement against them too taking the same issue with them too. But here under such condition, i just want to ask where that tolerance has gone for which India is famous.
Silicon Valley, USA having mainly foreign nationals has never experienced such situations not because there are no such issues there but because they have realized the fact that local problems are meant to be kept local and need to be dealt with patience and peacefully. In India, having such mental thinking will take time, as there is need of education in society. Education that led to the building of judging Wright or wrong, only by knowledge of reading and writing doesn’t led to literacy. Having one’s opinion and judgement capability meant to be educated. Besides that politics also need to be purified. We have to learn the way to solve our problems(if justifiable) without affecting the operations that laid to development of nation. Because “Sufferings are everywhere, it’s not our own that is the greatest”. So do take care of others, as we normally used to see in daily soap serials and movies how these bandhs and traffic blocks led to sufferings of others.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Oil economy and multipolarism

Oil economy and multipolarism
Oil , which is regarded off the charts and market in a couple of decade. But it’s role is still regulating the power and position of super-power and future ones. In the past, it had caused Pearl harbour attack and finally led to entry of America in World war 2 and bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki with most deadly weapon ever be used in the history of wars “atom bombs” and killing of millions of lives as well as affecting their descendents. During world war 2 japan had the shortage of oil for the operation of its frigates and fighter jets. In order to fulfil that requirement , it started annexing the south east asian nations and small island colonies of European nations. Presence of American navy in that region always imposed danger in the minds of japan war-analysts. And to establish their monopoly in the Hawaii region , they attacked pearl harbour that led to the entry of America from allied sides. The bombing of japan with atom bomb was also regarded as retort to pearl harbour and to establish its supremacy.
After world war 2, then came the cold war between the US and USSR. This gave rise to Taliban “the greatest ever challenge before the UN and world peace” ; gulf war “another war sought as a oil war” ; and many other wars like Vietnam and other small retaliations. US which was ensuring its future needs for oil by consuming most of gulf oil and preserving its own reserves always with aim of occupying most of oil fields in the gulf by hook or crook. USSR on the other hand has reasonably greater amount of reserves and moving on path of rapid economic progress following the line of communism and socialism. But due to internal crisis among the states of USSR and economic and personnel losses incurred in war against Taliban and Chechnya caused the splitting of USSR.
Now, in present times where US has the supremacy and China is giving tough competition to that supremacy(again a communist state) Oil is still the deciding factor. US who has now taken almost full control over the gulf oil through war on Iraq, having its allies in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. And efforts are on for Iran in the name of nuclear arms proliferation. On the other hand, china whose indigenous oil production is not in par with its oil demand has to import oil from gulf and central Asian states like Kazakhstan , Uzbekistan and Russia. While importing from gulf , china has to has friendly relations with US and also need to act as per his interest up to some extent. But now, with the signing of SCO “shanghai cooperation organization” and construction of ESPO “eastern Siberia to pacific ocean” pipeline for crude oil and gases export to china through ports of east Russia under the agreement of $100 billion with china. There is also a pipeline project for gases in line which may become operational by 2011-12. This will not only reduce Chinese dependency on US and gulf states but also provide economic boost to Russia who still has the largest oil reserve in its Siberian region. With the harvesting of that oil reserve and signing of pacts by Russia with its former allies of central asian nations regarding the export and import of crude oil and petroleum products Russia will soon rise in par with the china and US. But till now we have seen Unipolarism and bipolarism , now is the turn of multipolarism and what it results?
Sunday, January 3, 2010
AGING :Blessing or In-productivity
Aging : Blessing or In productivity
Don’t know much about this field , but from the little knowledge i have earned this opinion. Life expectancy by definition its average life span of an individual of a country and its common expectation that one would feel good to have his nation’s life expectancy greater than others.
As per UN a country is regarded as aging if more than seven percent population of a country is above the age of 60. And higher the people in the above 60 age category , lower is their productivity and more care is needed for them, here this doesn’t mean that they are useless. It’s their experience and guidance that we need the most for our prosperous future but with the policy of one children per couple as per in china, there will be two elderly person per child by 2050. And overall productivity of an individual will sharply decline by then. Now with this pace and increased life expectancy after another 20 to 30 years this number increased to an alarming rate as more people fall under non-productive category.
In order to prevent us from that inevitable situation , one solution is computerization and mechanisation to improve the productivity. But this is not the only solution as human always require some sort of work to engage his/her mind. Here too, there need to have some concrete solution to this.
“Nothing comes as blessing only, every thing has another side”. Increased life expectancy is also a part of this nature and not to be overlooked , so its upon us that how we deal with this .Brotherhood
Bihar , Uttar-pradesh and some part of Jharkhand and west Bengal too known for their intensified crime rate. And most of us do agree with this supposition that this is mainly due to down-trodden uneducated people who in absence of availability of employment and basic necessities of food ,shelter and cloths are engaged in these regretful activities. But , this is also the fact that it’s these people who in spite of large in number are fled and tortured by others like maharashtrians and haryanavis etc. They are there to be paid in return of petty jobs for their family livelihood.
It’s not like something that they are in scarce or all of them are involved in criminal acts , rather its due to the insecure feeling among those state natives against them in regard of their brothers doings in their states. But why whole suffer due to the actions of few , why not they protest or help each other. this is mainly because of absence of concern for others which arises not by birth or in their culture, its because of their own activities. Suppose a condition where for a brick mill contractor require about a hundred workers on fixed wage (as per govt.) say 200 INR per day. In such a condition he first contact a middle-man who is involved or having contacts with local workers, and lure him with the condition that make them to work for 150 INR per day , of remaining 50 i will give 20 bucks for each to you. He get carried away with the temptation and work for the contractor.
This is just the beginning of mistrust between the workers themselves, when they come to know about this fraud , get annoyed and results to loss of unity amongst them. And when one of them get attacked under the umbrella of so called “bihari aur bhaiya bhagao”. Others who supposed to be their brothers don’t come to rescue with the feeling that ‘ this is the one who befool us’. Here they forget the basic theme of life “ unity is strength” and never stand against the torture of regional fundamentalists.
Sometimes, it appears that they are made to be tempted and befooled. But it’s not in their blood, it’s the basic happening of the society of bihar ,UP and its surrounding areas. It’s not like it is concentrated here, it’s common to all regions but not to the intensity as in here.