Far from the feeling of Shining and Rising India, and having the flavour of Overpopulation of india; passenger train of gangetic plain is the true representation of the social status and living standard of normal people (or below normal becoz they are from lower middle class group).
The moment you step inside you can feel that india lies in sub-tropical climate zone, if you are boarding from the starting station then you can have chances to have seat. By the time you sit you can easily sense the why Indian goods are performing poorly in market especially the govt. ones( with the condition if you escapes wooden seat). Why public sectors are under privatisation can be easily understood if you get the chance to travel beyond daytime. What to say to electricity, when there is absence of electrical appliances (another proof of rising Unemployment). But the so called normal people are bound to aboard them because this is the only affordable means they have got from govt.
Another important characteristic of Indian society is also revealed here inside the train. Why we are lagging behind? Not because we have less resources, but our mentality still revolve around self-suffice. If we get the chance to sit then we desire to sleep not caring for even the tiny tots who is in the lap of standing women. We want to have space for our luggage but never compromise on accommodating another one into our seat. Its not like all are like same, but there is need for many of such kind from few of such.
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