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Friday, November 5, 2010

Race against casteism

Few weeks earlier, read about the miserable life of the Congo women chafed between the conflicts of the warlords of Africa in New York Times magazine; thanks to the Shannon (USA) atleast doing something for them from behalf of the humankind by running “Run for Congo” organisation collecting fund for their rehabilitation. Most of the women lost their families there; is one such woman who has lost her one leg in an ambush by the army of warlords, who killed her husband, raped her repetitively in front of her children and shoot her eldest son for his refusal to eat the flesh of her mother.
Situation is no different in our nation too, such insane offences are done in our society too in the name of casteism. At one time dalits are burnt alive at their home in Haryana and other time this heinous crime is done in the name of honour killing where young blooming couples are murdered in the name of honour. These are just some of the cases that came into light by media (atleast doing some fruitful works too). Beside these, there are numerous other unheard and unspoken cases which are buried in the throat of flourishing new generation; who sometimes are forbidden from living a cherishing life with their loved ones because of this casteism. What to say of the poor uneducated when the educated graduates of 70s and 80s are inseminating the seeds of hatred for opposite castes in their wards. Development in the name of community is a different idea and preaching hatred to opposite castes on the basis of their dids of the past is completely unethical.
Talking of reservation in higher education, due to the protests against reservation some are with the conception that it’s the upper caste who are opposing the reservation because they don’t want to see lower caste as par to them. And some others are with the conception that some lower class who are well developed and equipped are getting advantage of this. To counter the above, the concept of creamy layer was introduced. Still their hatred prevails. Leave this bloody debatable topic, talking of some general related to our life. When a young graduate either an engineer or a doctor or a journalist or even a normal high class teacher asks for love marriage form his/her parents, the same moment first question fired back is “What his/her caste”. Loads of argument given by them to support their will against the relationship, either on the name of past experience or on the name of society. That love, that feeling of freedom, that passion, that urge to control the world comes from the same education that they dream for their children. It’s true that our past is not justifiable, but we cann’t make our future from the happenings of past. We have to build a better future, a future for mankind not for caste, a future where our children don’t have to suffer what we have to.

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