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Wednesday, July 4, 2012


I don't know why i get irritated mainly during the times when things are not happening as per my wish. Or is it due to the reason that during my bad times when events are happening against me without any contribution of mine into that and in those times, those which are under my control also get away from me.
During those times, even a fly on my bed get me irritated or even when someone enters the room with wet sleepers makes me irritated. Overall, there is no reason to be irritated but still because of past incidents, i get irritated.
But when i look into this thing, i realized that i get irritated not because during that time period, i wasn't thinking about my future or how to manage or working to correct my mistakes in the future. Rather, i was looking into tiny things like my room cleanliness, physical hygiene and thinking about my failure into the last few activities.
When you are foreseen and be reactive to that, there ain't be any reason to be irritated.

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