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Friday, April 29, 2011


When i was in school i believe that what appreciable by others is the most important job/task or dream to be achieved. Taking the example of taking science and practicing more mathematics and obtaining higher marks in those, as it would going to be appreciated by batchmates, teachers, parents and more important parent's friends and relatives.
After then i went to college, and then recognized that achieve what is best available among the choices available to you and again the motivational factor up to some extent is the society and the people residing around you and the priority of maoney also focussed mainly towards the society. Then come a day, when told by the steno of the HOD of my department "DECIDE YOUR PRIORITIES AS PER YOUR DREAM NOT AS PER YOUR RELATIONS & SOCIETY". At the same day i realized that almost my entire life i have seen others around me following the same what i was told to avoid. Silently and quietly i sat one day and started deciding what i really want to do in my life and came across four objectives and then prioritize them and then started planning to achieve the same and in the course i realized that society and relations stands nowhere. It's the priority that makes you leave the iims even that motivate you to live life in the dark for a while to shine like the morning rising sun.

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